Tool Making

Tool Making is the process of building molds for vacuum forming and other forming techniques. To produce quality thermoformed products, you need to start with a quality mold. We have in-house experts to design and build molds to suit your application. We do not job-out our tool making as it is integral to our operation saving you time and money. That is why Dimension 3 Plastics builds all their own molds from start to finish.
Designing and building the mold in-house in collaboration with our design and sales team allows us to build a mold that will work with our equipment. So, there is no need to go back to an outside toolmaker for costly rework. And with mold sizes up to 78” x 54” x 21” deep, there is no room for errors. So, you can be sure our experts are taking every step to produce a quality mold and avoiding any defects.

Give us a call and we can figure out right away whether a product can be tooled for thermoforming.
Please check out our YouTube channel to see some of our equipment in action.

Dimension 3 Plastics Tool Making Advantages:
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