Q: Why is the clear Acrylic I ordered blue/white/tan?
A: One of the most common FAQS. Acrylic and other types of plastic sheets are shipped with a protective covering applied by the manufacturer. This helps to prevent dings and scratches that can occur while shipping. We leave this covering in place as much as possible during the fabrication process. Some manufacturers use paper mask while others use poly-masking. Paper mask is normally tan or brown while poly-masking comes in many colours. Some common poly-mask colours are blue, green, purple, orange, white and clear.

Q: How many types of plastic sheets are there?
A: There is a myriad of types of plastic sheets available. These range from general acrylics and polycarbonates to specialized sheets that are developed to meet specific needs. One of our sales representatives can supply information on clarity, texture, impact performance, chemical and food resistance and more. We can recommend the most economical material for your project depending on your requirements and product performance.

Q: How do I clean the Acrylic/PETG/Polycarbonate?
A: To clean acrylic/PETG & Polycarbonate use a mild dish soap and water solution. Wipe with a soft cloth. DO NOT use paper towels, dry cloth or other abrasive material. This may scratch the surface and set up a static charge causing dust to stick to the surface. Other products such as Novus #1 Antistatic (buy on Amazon), Brillianize (buy on Amazon), Methyl Hydrate or Isopropyl Alcohol can be used but you must avoid areas with bends or polished areas, as this can cause crazing or cracks in the material. DO NOT use cleaners that have Ammonia in them. Dishwasher is also not recommended.

Q: How do I clean scratches off Acrylic?
A: To remove minor scratches, use a high-quality paste wax on a soft cloth, and rub the area in both directions until the marks disappear. Brasso or Novus No. 2 are good products for this task. DO NOT use paper towels or other abrasive material.

Q: Is Acrylic UV (Ultraviolet) stable?
A: Most acrylics are UV stable and will yellow very little over time. Some plastics like polycarbonate and PETG have limited UV resistance. Direct sunlight will cause these types of plastics to fade and yellow over time. Some of these plastic types are stabilized for weatherability or have a UV resistant layer added to the surface.

Q: How much stronger is acrylic when compared to glass?
A: Acrylic has around 4 times the impact resistance of glass. Polycarbonate is virtually unbreakable at any thickness and if thick enough can be bullet resistant. It is about 25 times stronger than acrylic and around 250 times stronger than glass.

Q: Is Acrylic as clear as Glass?
A: Actually, acrylic sheets have more clarity than glass. No matter the thickness acrylic is clear. While glass starts to turn that familiar shade of green just a few inches thick. Acrylic has a variety of outdoor of uses including atriums, greenhouses, skylights and pool enclosures and more.

Q: How heavy is Acrylic to Glass?
A: When comparing the same thickness of glass and acrylic, the Acrylic is approximately half the weight. Making it easier to handle while reducing shipping cost. Further it is about 4 times more impact resistant than glass and is more economical.
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